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People are the fundamental building block of any organisation. The complexity of most of the processes in an organisation places them beyond the control of any one individual, and the only efficient way to tackle process improvement is through Teamwork.
Teamwork has many advantages:
• A greater variety of complex issues can be tackled by pooling expertise and resources
• Problems are exposed to a greater diversity of knowledge, skill and experience
• The approach boosts morale and ownership through participative decision making
• Improvement opportunities that cross departmental or functional boundaries can be more easily
• The recommendations are more likely to be implemented than if they come from an individual
Employees will not engage in continuous improvement activities without commitment from senior
managers, a culture for improvement and an effective mechanism for capturing individual contributions.
Teamwork must be driven by a strategy, have a structure and be implemented thoughtfully and effectively.
When properly managed and developed, teamwork improves processes and produces results quickly and
economically through the free exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and data. It is an essential
component of a total quality organisation, building trust, improving communication and developing a culture
of interdependence, rather than one of independence.